Archive for the ‘mortality’ Category

If I died tomorrow

Posted: November 30, 2011 in mortality
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If I were to die tomorrow, what will I be remembered for?

True that I read this on someone’s FB status as just one of those “chain status updates” where so many people do the same thing to either have friends, family and acquaintances say something nice or funny, not really taking in to context the idea of “what if I died tomorrow”, “what will I be remembered for?”

I’m sure if I was to thinking of friends and family and used my imagination to its full ability to imagine their death, I could conjure up a true enough idea of how I would feel and what I’d remember about them but that would be how I feel right now, those feelings may not be the same tomorrow…..

Also as much as we could prepare and imagine, nothing, not even a long term illness or the decision to press the switch, could prepare you for death be it friend, family, acquaintance or even a pet. I’ve had someone pass away in my family suddenly (my dad) and I’ve witnessed someone mourn for someone who died due to a long term illness and can honestly say there is no difference in the hurt and emptiness that you can see in their eyes as to how I felt.

So when I think of my own mortality, what will I have left behind me? What will I b remembered for? If the truth be known it shouldn’t matter to me as I won’t be here to worry or be happy about it, but it does matter to me, as I’m sure it does to many who’ve considered their mortality, specifically those who’ve had to deal with their potential mortality and have been close to it.

If I were to be gone tomorrow……is leave behind a son and possibly another son or daughter yet to be born, I’d leave behind a loving family, I’d leve behind friends no not friends, my other family, and what will I be remembered for?

I’d like to be remembered for this…..for those who die its easy for those left behind, you are the ones who must suffer, despite some hardships, I was happy in life, so I died happy, so live happy, times will be tough but if you can’t laugh at the bad things, you can’t survive them……
